Working Class Citizen
A podcast I'm currently working on started by me about people and what they go through working they're daily jobs, who they are, and what happens to them outside of work. Maybe this can unite and help create compassion for the person on the other side of the counter.
Have you ever wonder what the underpaid, over worked teacher feels like at the end of the day, or the nurse working all hours of the night, in the crazy E.R. shifts. If you work for a narcissistic boss, if you work with toxic people, I invite you to take this journey and grow a deeper understanding of what the rat race is like for different people. Maybe this can give us a farther understanding of who we are as a society.
Working Class Citizen
Day Laborers
In this episode we get the perspective of what it means to be a day laborer, we hear the story of a few different people, guys standing in a Home Depo parking lot on what it's like to stand around hoping to find work. Then I shift to cover a great story of someone I knew personally, about working many different jobs, and what it takes to be well known for your skill set when you’re not a citizen.
Where I love to listen to audio books is here on Audible from Amazon, click the link below and get a welcome start.
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Where I love to listen to audio books is here on Audible from Amazon, click the link below and get a welcome start.